“The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
“The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
It took many years for the U.S. military to appreciate the value of the modern Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV), and many more years for U.S. to produce its own operational UAVs. It was ALSO apparent that the UAV could perform valuable services in the civil sector, but after more than twenty years the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) still has not issued the rules that would allow UAVs to operate regularly within the U.S. There have been a few highly-restricted law enforcement applications, but the vast civilian market for UAVs remains untapped at a huge loss to the industry and the development of the technology, as well as a major loss of productivity to the U.S. economy.
Some years ago we performed studies of civil applications of UAVs for government and industry clients. The following summarizes key issues of the studies and remains valid to this day.